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Saturday, January 28, 2012

GOP Presidential Hopefuls Are Weak:

     Well, we are officially into the Republican primaries, so what kind of candidates do we have to choose from? Brace yourself, they are going to amaze you, shock you, and make you wish George W. Bush was running again. Just kidding, however, the current crop of GOP candidates has nothing new to offer, only the same old regurgitated Fox News talking points. Let's take a look at the final four.
     First we have Willard "Mitt" Romney. Former governor of Massachusetts and savvy business man. Mr. Romney can't brag about his gubernatorial experience because the Tea Bag folks will start screaming about Romney Care. Rather pathetic, considering Romney Care works fairly well. Unfortunately Mr. Romney has to sell his platform to the hard right of the Republican Party, and quality healthcare that is available to more people is just unacceptable. Then we have the religious undercurrent. Mr. Romney practices the Mormon faith. White, Evangelical, southerners are not going to vote for a Mormon, that is what it is. Asking this bloc of voters to change their views is like asking them to accept that President Obama is an American. Not going to happen! If Mr. Romney does win the nomination, I do not believe he will be able to beat President Obama in a general election. Too many independents and Democrats view his business model at Bain Capitol as predatory, not to mention the guy loved off-shoring money and workers. Mr. Romney will not be able to convince voters that he his more in touch with their needs than the current President. Let's be honest, Mr. Romney has a hard time convincing himself of who he is.
     Now we come to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. As a person who came of age in the 1990's I personally find Mr. Gingrich to be absolutely appalling. Newt Gingrich in short is an asshole. Remember, while he was trying to get President Clinton impeached he was having an affair of his own. This is a man who was forced to resign from the House because of ethics violations. Newt loves to split hairs about his involvement with Freddie Mac. The fact is he took approximately 1.6 million dollars from that organization. He loves to preach about morals and family values. He has been married three times, has had multiple affairs and ditched his fist wife while she was fighting cancer, then he sent his second wife packing when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. This is a guy who wants to represent the party of family values, humm.
      Early on in the primary process, Mr. Gingrich suggested that it would be a good idea to have kids perform janitorial work at school to help them understand the value of hard work. Don't get me wrong, I am all for teaching kids the value of a dollar and the hard work it takes to earn that dollar. I am not going to have my kids cleaning up other kids piss, puke, shit, and urinal cakes, nice try Newt. I am sure Newt would not have minded if his children had janitorial service in their curriculum.
     If Mr. Gingrich does become the GOP nominee, I believe the democrats will have a field day exposing his hypocrisy. Then again, at least I will not have to watch the dumb, half term governor from Alaska come up with some folksy, stupid, "Joe The Plumber" quip. Than God for small miracles!!!
     The last two candidates being Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul are completely unelectable. Rick Santorum is a wacky religious former Pennsylvania Senator. His campaign has been based on social conservative issues that most normal people don't care about. I don't think gay marriage, abortion, and determining whether or not the United States is a Christian nation is going to play into the world we are leaving for our children. Ron Paul does have some good ideas, however, they are completely outgunned by his more controversial ideas. Mr. Paul has advocated for doing away with the Federal Reserve, Medicare, Medicaid and  Social Security. I am sure Grandma will appreciate that.
     Basically that leaves the GOP with Mr. Gingrich and Mr. Romney. Regardless of who becomes the nominee the right wing noise machine is going to get all fired up and back that person. Happens every time. Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, and Fox News will pound viewers with anti Obama pro GOP talking points all day and night. This election is less about electing a good President, than it is beating President Obama. Right wing media has already convinced most of it's constituency that President Obama is a socialist, Muslim, Kenyan born, communist married to an angry black woman. Unfortunately, as absurd as it sounds, they have convinced many that this absurdity is gospel. Good Luck America!!! 

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