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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 21, 2011 Get Ready For Rapturization.

     Well according to the Family Radio website which can be found at www.familyradio.com the world is going to come to an end on Saturday May 21, 2011. Holy smokes that is this freaking Saturday. The world can't end this Saturday, that really does not give me enough time to blow my paycheck from Friday. All kidding aside, this particular group of Evangelicals really believe that this Saturday the world is going to come to an end at the hand of God. Well let me give a few thoughts of my own on this particular rapture event.
     First of all, anyone who comes to me espousing they have a divine insight into the plans the almighty has for us is generally viewed by me as a little less than sane. Second, if the almighty really is communicating through you, please, come see me, I have some questions of my own. Third, are you really that arrogant that you think that the creator of this universe is really going to destroy every beautiful thing that has been created just to get payback for the sins of man.
     Let us jump into the first statement in the above paragraph. God is the creator not the creation. According to biblical doctrine we were created in the likeness of God. Key words there, likeness, you are like God, you are not God. So using a little logic, if something perfect created me, and I am an imperfect likeness of the creator, how could I possibly even begin to explain what the plan of the creator is. Think about it, God is perfect, you are not, therefore, we do not have the ability to define perfection, we can only ponder what perfection may be like.
     On to the second statement. God is personally talking to you. First of all, see a doctor, something has gone wrong in your head. If you have a live feed to God you have got some explaining to do. Why would you not warn the people of Japan that a massive earthquake was about to descend on them? Why did you say nothing before the BP oil disaster? Why was no warning given to the troops who ran over an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan? So, that being said, speak up or shut up!
     Finally number three. Arrogance, isn't that some kind of sin in and of itself. So man is the only creature in the universe worthy of salvation. Screw every other organism in the universe, they don't have souls. Wow, sucks for them. I can't believe that the creator of all the beauty I am surrounded by is going to destroy his entire creation because man is immoral. Maybe as human beings we are so narcissistic about ourselves that we can't see how intertwined into the whole of the universe we really are. If you think the atoms that make up your being are any different from the atoms that make up every thing else, well, you should probably go to your local community college and retake general science. The H2O molecule in my body is atomically identical to every other water molecule in the universe. Obviously, because I do have a day job, I really do not have the time to explain all the atoms and molecules that we as humans consist of and share with all other things universally.
     Let me conclude my little rant with this. I consider myself a spiritual person. I believe in a higher power which I cannot explain, nor would I take the arrogant perspective of trying to do so. Organized religion has always been and will always be a means of controlling people. If you scare someone to the core and promise them some kind of salvation, it becomes very easy to control them. All major religions are guilty of this. I do believe religion serves as a moral guide post. Live by the golden rule and you will be golden.
     By the way, just in case of rapture feel free to leave me all of your possessions. Cars, bank accounts, homes, pensions and so forth. Trust me I will keep them all in good shape. I promise. Good luck America.