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Monday, July 18, 2011

Aussie Asshole!!!!

     F@&K YOU! 

     That's right Rupert Murdoch, fuck you. Finally your media empire is crumbling, and those of us who can't stand the B.S. you and your cronies peddle as,"fair and balanced news coverage," we will certainly be entertained by your crumbling ivory tower. News Corp. is finally going to reap what they have sown. 
     In case you're head was buried in the mounting piles of bills on your kitchen table, Murdoch is being investigated in Great Britain for a scandal that includes, wire tapping phones and hacking into both voice and e-mail accounts. Cops were bribed, families of dead people were led to believe their missing loved ones may still be alive somewhere, because their voice mail was being checked and erased, pretty disgusting stuff. I am not going to get into all the stuff News Corp. and its affiliates are being accused of. This is my opinion of the scandal and News Corp. as a whole. If you want all the facts and figures go to www.guardian.co.uk A very respectable British news service. 
     I live in the United States, so my hatred of News Corp. stems from Fox News. Actually I really started to dislike Fox News around the time of the build up to the war in Iraq. Lies were spun and endlessly covered by Fox News. Why would we as Americans support a war in a country that did not attack us? Well the propagandists at Fox News spun every possible story about Iraq coming out of the government into an immanent attack scenario, remember wmd's and yellow cake. Lets do a little math here. The second largest share holder at News Corp. is a Saudi prince named Prince Alaweed bin Talal al Saud. We all know at this point that the Bush family has a very cushy relationship with the Saudis. So, if a Saudi prince is worried that he is going to be attacked by Iraq, what would be the easiest way of neutralizing that threat? Ah yes, propagandize the American people into thinking that there was some connection between Iraq and 9-11. That way we shoulder the burden of a Suadi problem. After the war was kicked off we were all treated to the wall to wall coverage dubbed,"shock and awe." I personally found this sickening, the fact that we had a media outlet glorifying the killing of not only Iraqis but our brave men and women in the armed forces. War is not something to glorify, war is the last resort humans come to when there is no more room for negotiations. War is definitely not something to glorify when you attack a nation that has not committed and act of war against you. Fox News has glorified the living shit out of the Iraq war for their own financial gains. Murdoch should be held partially responsible for the damn debacle in Iraq.
     Another reason I can't stand the propagandist outlet dubbed Fox News is the fact that they have made regular Americans dumber for having watched their programming. All day long Fox News is out there blaring conservative, Republican talking points, the government is to big,  President Obama is not one of us, liberals are trying to kill your grandma and so on. Now we have a whole segment of society that only parrots the Fox News talking points, and won't even entertain the notion that they are being duped for the profit motive of a large multinational corporation. Fox News has a programming lineup that is ultra conservative, anti gay, anti minority, overly Christian and completely void of fact. Take a look at the Tea Party, supported by Fox propaganda, it started as a small group of people wearing funny hats and pissed that they have to pay taxes. I may add that the majority of the Tea Party was really just pissed about the fact that the American people elected Barack Obama. Fox pumped up the Tea Party to the point that in 2010 many of the Republicans that were elected were proud Tea Party followers. Let me also add that nine months after the election many Americans have some serious buyers remorse. Does Fox News care that they are damaging the country? Fuck no,  damaged or not their ratings are still good. 
     Rupert Murdoch and the News Corp. empire are vile. They are responsible for war, the murder of Dr. Tiller, vehement dog whistle racism, millions of dollars paid out to shut people up, the destruction of straight up reporting without opinion interjected, and the dumbing down of the American people. They need to be held responsible. Hopefully our Justice Department will open an investigation into these issues. We have enough time to investigate whether or not Roger Clemens was using steroids to play a game better. News Corp. is literally damaging the foundation this fine nation was built upon. I would contend that is a little more important than a baseball player injecting steroids. 
     At the end of the day News Corp. is the modern day Joseph Goebbels. Nothing more than a pathetic little propagandist. Propagandists are never remembered for anything other than being an agenda driven entity that will create falsehoods to get an outcome which they find desirable. Maybe someday News Corp. will air some real shock and awe footage, like Murdoch being arrested and jailed by that stupid fucking touchdown robot on Fox Sports. Good Luck America!!!      

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