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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Right Wing Radio Has Made You Dumb:

     I have noticed that the faithful listeners of right wing radio are losing the information battle. From time to time I turn on AM hate radio just to see what the neanderthals are whining about. First of all, they all get their talking points from the same place, Heritage Foundation, Fox News, right wing blogs, Family Research Council, Cato and so on. Then on a daily basis they hype the talking point and get their listeners all worked up and inflamed about some issue that really has no basis in the real world. Let's take for example the notion that President Obama is a hard left liberal. Two and a half years into his presidency, after hooking up Wall Street, after backing off of comprehensive immigration reform, after getting a watered-down healthcare bill passed, and after killing the top terrorist in the world, Osama Bin Laden, he still is viewed as a hard left liberal. Please, are you kidding me, it's not like the guy is smoking weed and letting his freak flag fly. If you listen to the hate on the radio however, you would think he is.
     I am so tired of having a political conversation, and I use the term conversation lightly, with the loyal fans of right wing radio. The dumbest shit is peddled as gospel, things that are so easily debunked it is laughable. Yet no matter how much proof is shown that their argument doesn't hold water, there is no changing their opinion. Rush Limbaugh said it, it must be true. Or I get the really dumb rebuttal which usually goes something like, "why do you hate freedom." Yeah moron, I hate freedom, that's why I didn't support George Bush and his warrant less wire taps. It really does get old. I could have a better conversation with a three year old by simply saying,"I know you are, but what am I."
     I have no problem with an opinionated conversation, we are all entitled to that little nugget of freedom. I do have a huge problem with those amongst us that refuse to realize there is only one set of facts. The facts can be debated, opined about, and dissected to the ends of the earth, but in the end, the facts are the facts. Right wing radio likes to twist the facts in the same manner that they like to torture biblical versus. As long as one little inkling of truth is left in their mantra of the day, they scream it at fifty thousand watts. Do these tools on the radio realize that the core of their listeners are not exactly Harvard material. When you spread lies and false statements to the least educated among us you are doing this country a disservice. You are creating an entire group of people that truly do not know what they are talking about, they are just repeating some opinion that has been peddled as truth. I am not saying that everybody who listens to the likes of Rush or Hannity is a complete moron, however, they probably have an agenda that suits right wing ideology. Think about this. Why would these guys rail against taxes on people who make more than a million dollars? Because they make twenty and thirty million a year. They don't give two shits about you or I, it's all about them. They tell us everyday that this nation needs to cut the very programs that keep the least of us from literally starving and dying. Where is the shared sacrifice? What the hell ever happened to," all for one, one for all." Can't have those damn welfare-queens pulling up in their Lexus to receive their WIC benefits.
     The biggest argument I have with right wing radio is the absolute racism that is blurted out by the hosts. If President Obama even acknowledges the fact that he is half black these morons chime in, "he is anti white", or "this is reverse racism." What a load of crap, I have heard Rush Limbaugh play a song called Barack The Magic Negro, blatantly racist. I have heard Rush refer to Barack Obama as, and I quote,"man child." Yesterday, Neil Boortz on his radio program said, and I quote," we got to damn many urban thugs, yo, ruining the quality of life for everybody. And I'll tell you what it's gonna take, you people, you are-you need to have a gun. You need to have training. You need to learn how to use that gun. You need to get a permit to carry that gun. And you do in fact need to carry that gun and we need to see some dead thugs littering the landscape of Atlanta. We need more dead thugs in this city." This man just broke a major law, he is inciting violence. And he is not clever about whom he is referring to, urban thugs, yo. So should the people of Atlanta lock and load and go find some black people and start shooting them. This is pathetic and highly dangerous. I would hope that the FCC would take some action against dangerous rants of this nature.
     This era that we are living in is special, we have all the information we need at our finger tips. If you hear someone talking about certain issues, take five minutes and see if there is any truth to what is being talked about. If we are not careful, we will become a nation of corporate dictators with a populace to under-educated to even realize we are wage slaves. Ask questions, do some homework, and most importantly, take some time to become educated. Parrots are a dime dozen. All they do is repeat the same shit everyday. Good Luck America!!

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