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Monday, June 13, 2011

Our News Media Is Terrible:

     The news is officially dead! For two weeks now, the top story on virtually every news outlet has had something to do with Congressman Anthony Weiner and his Twitter transgressions. I ask, who gives a crap how many pictures of his penis and or other body parts he sent around the internet? Did he do something illegal? Did he actually have an affair with someone? What the crap is the story the media is peddling? As far as I have heard all the guy did was have sexting sessions with women, and send them pictures of his twig and berries. Does this really deserve two weeks of media attention? No!
     Is it really any surprise to find out another politician is kinda sleazy? I think not. In the last ten years there have been so many stories of political malfeasance that no one should be surprised. We have Elliot Spitzer paying for high end hookers. We have had Mark Sanford and his South American honey. Think John Ensign, Mark Foley, John Edwards, Larry Craig, Bill Clinton, David Vitter, Newt Gingrich, and the list could go on and on. Most of the people I have named above did things that were a whole lot worse than Tweet his package. Well, personally I don't really hold Bill Clinton to the fire either, all he did was get a little oral loving from a fat chick. It's not like he was trying to pick up dudes at an airport bathroom. Arnold Schwarzenegger cheated on his wife with the housekeeper, fathered a child with this woman, and he is usurped by the media machine by a guy who sent lewd pictures to women. By the way, as of this post, I have not heard any of the women he spoke with accuse him of anything illegal. So why the hell is this even a story?
     The media does not want you to be well informed. They want you to look at the shiny thing over here while their corporate masters are making campaign donations to members of congress so they can get their agenda made into law. This is bullshit! We should demand that media give us news, real news. Last week five of our bravest were killed in Iraq from rocket attacks by Shiite militia. That was a ten second news story. Not the headline, not below the fold on the front page, a ten second story, buried by Congressman Weiner and his, well thats just to easy. I am tired of having to go to BBC or Al Jazeera to find out what is actually going on in the world.
     American media is a joke. As a nation we are more concerned with the tabloid crap than actually educating ourselves about the world we live in. The rest of the world is watching us fall behind in strategically important fields like, science, mathematics, and engineering. While they are watching us fall behind they are also laughing at us. We have people who can't tell you how to do a basic algebra problem, but they sure know who Lamar Odem is waking up next to. Wake up man, time is precious, we fall to far behind, and before you know it we are not the consumer nation anymore, we become the slave-wage nation. This is no joke, if you think the corporations that own the American media empire want us to be well educated and asking thought provoking questions you are high. They want us as dumb as possible. An educated electorate may challenge their power, can't have that, that would get in the way of profit margins. God forbid your bottom line is not as fat because you actually play fair!
     The media is broken, boycott the media, go to internet sites that actually research their journalism, and site their sources. Read print media, the news papers are not perfect, however, they are far more balanced than most of what you see on the television. Educate yourself, take an arithmetic course at your local college, read, read to your children, takes the reins, education will always provide salvation.
     This post started with Rep. Weiner and his Twitter problems. Do you see the deeper issue here, we are being dumbed down. So many issues could stem from this one topic, we need to have the conversation before it becomes to late. I don't know about you, but as an American, I like being the greatest nation on earth, and I for one will not tolerate the bullshit that is spoon-fed to us by our media. Do a little research, and I guarantee you will be surprised by what you find, then and only then, you can start to ask the question of why is this getting no coverage. Soon you will find that the shit that is being fed to you is just that, "SHIT." We better wise up and start asking the tough questions before it is to late. If we don't, get ready to be number two! Good Luck America!!

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