Lets start with the climate science deniers. Whether you like it or not, scientists all over the world have spent years and decades studying the climate. They have meticulously studied atmospheric makeup and content, ocean currents, global temperatures, ice core samples, deforestation, industrialization, and damn near everything that could possibly affect our climate. This brand of science is so large and encompassing it has taken decades to gather the needed data to even propose a hypothesis. After all the hard work put in by thousands of scientists, we get one freakishly large snowstorm on the east coast, and here come the haters. "Where is your global warming now guy." Climate and weather are two different things altogether. Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a place and time. Climate is the prevailing weather conditions in an area over a long period of time. Humans have clearly had an affect on our overall climate. We have put trillions of tons of waste gasses into the atmosphere, tons of pollutants into our oceans, massive amounts of toxic waste into the ground and precious watersheds. If you have a really nice fish tank, do me a favor, every day for a year, put a handful of your garbage in it. While your at it, add a drop of mercury, benzene, and just for shits an giggles some bio hazardous medical waste. Tell me in a year that your beautiful fish tank is thriving. There is only so much that this planet is going to put up with before it starts killing the problem. Climate change is real, and we had better start accepting the fact that we need to respect the planet that allows us to thrive.
Lets move on to the six thousand year old earth crowd. First of all, astronomers and astrophysicists have spent a really really long time trying to understand the origins of the universe. The Big Bang Theory is the best hypothesis that centuries of observation has produced so far. The different models that have been used to gauge the age of the universe are incredibly complex, and quite confusing for the average guy swinging a hammer at a construction site. Biblical history on the other hand, is easy to wrap your head around. God makes man, God makes woman, they screw up, get sent out of Eden, and here we are a couple thousand years later. Don't question the fact that science has dated rocks, minerals, and organic matter to be millions and billions of years old. That's just a big game of dupe the Christian. I want my kids to be taught science in school, provable observations, the scientific method, chemistry, physics, general relativity and so on. Keep your creationism at home with your kids. I am not going to dumb down the next generation because of my inability to comprehend complex scientific material.
Lastly, we are all quite familiar with the story of Noah's Ark. I personally can't believe that one guy, a couple thousand years ago, sailed the entire world collecting all of the living animals. How big was this boat that collected one male and one female species of everything? How did he get all the way to South America, and the Arctic? Currently there are over 1.4 million described species. That means Noah put 2.8 million animals on a boat. A U.S. Navy aircraft carrier sails with a crew of about six thousand, ask them to logistically accommodate 2.8 million creatures. I am sure they will laugh. Maybe this is a story about a local phenomenon that encompassed the entire world as Noah knew it. In his time people in South America didn't even know that his part of the world existed, and vice versa. Yeah, I can totally believe that there may have been a localized catastrophe that Noah reacted to. No, I can't believe this guy sailed the entire world collecting two of everything, because God wanted to destroy the world.
In conclusion, I am tired of hearing a bunch of crap aimed at promoting a creationist agenda and denying the hard, laborious work that has been done by thousands of scientists. There is no big agenda to deny religion its place in the world, however, there is a religious agenda to deny the hard work of science because it doesn't fit in with the narrow agenda of biblical theology. Science is constantly evolving and changing. New discoveries happen every day, discoveries that change the way we think, or view the world around us. Biblical theology is unchanging. Trying to vindicate the biblical version of creation is not scientific observation, it is trying to push an agenda. Besides, if God did snap his fingers and create this beautiful planet which we inhabit, shouldn't we stop shitting on it. Shouldn't we stop the largest multi-national corporations from buying our politicians, just so they can turn around and pollute the world to increase their bottom line. Think about that for awhile. Good Luck America!!
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