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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

GOP Struggles For Candidate:

     So here we are, summer of 2011, and the GOP still can't find a candidate with the credentials to take on President Obama in the 2012 presidential elections. What's the problem Republicans? For years now you have told America that President Obama is going to be a one term president, he doesn't have the skill or the executive prowess to run the greatest country on Earth. One would think that since he has indoctrinated our children, lied about health care reform, so he could send grandma to the death panel, had his wife try and tell our children what to eat, and turned us into a socialist, communist, Marxist society, this guy would go down like a chump. So, Republicans, where is your contender? So far all I see in your field of candidates are soup-cans.
     I speculate the problem for the GOP is the fact that they let the Tea Party hijack their party. Any reasonable Republican contender is immediately shown how to exit stage left via the wacko-right. The Tea Party is not as popular as Fox News would like you to think. For the most part they are old white people who,"want their country back." I question, back from whom or what? Most of the people who support the Tea Party are the same people that have Fox News blaring in their living room all day. Fox is not overtly racist, but they love the dog whistle style of getting the masses all worked up over the small stuff while there coverage of actual governance is shaky at best. Think back to the health care debate, or for that matter, any piece of legislation passed in the last three years. Fox espoused the talking points rather than the facts of the actual legislation. This gets the Tea Party wack-a-doos all worked up, and before you know it you see someone on the TV machine with an assault rifle at a political event telling some hack journalist that they want the America they grew up in back. Once again, I ask back from whom or what?
     Truth be told, they want their country back from the black guy in The White House. Sure nobody is going to come out and just say it, but, if you have half a brain, do the math. This problem is exactly why the GOP can't find a credible candidate. If you don't agree with the Tea Party nuts you won't get on the Fox news cycle. If you can't get on the,"Fox News Cycle," the majority of Republican voters don't know who you are, or what you stand for. If you start selling out to the talking points of the weirdo right wing crackpots you lose the majority of educated voters. Quite thee proverbial conundrum!!
     Until someone stands up to the stupidity of Fox and the morons walking around in vintage revolutionary war costumes, the GOP will not have a credible candidate. You can't win an election by only garnering the vote of the most gullible amongst us. Sorry, too many of us have worked hard, and educated ourselves, to be duped, by the least educated among us. Next time you have a conversation with someone who is dribbling the usual talking points, ask them an easy question. Who is the speaker of the house? How many amendments are there in the Constitution? Is Omaha Beach in Nebraska? Trust me, you will be surprised by the answers you get, then you will be even more surprised by the dumb-ass logic used to back these answers up. Can we as a nation come together and be motivated by intelligence rather than allegiance to an ideology? I hope so, but for right now the dumbest amongst us have the debate tied to repudiating the ass-backward logic of corporate controlled media. To paraphrase the great Thomas Jefferson, " an educated electorate is the key to a successful democracy." Let us not forget that nugget of wisdom. Let us not forget what the founders of our democracy sacrificed so that we can even have this debate. Good Luck America!!

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