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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Drill Baby Drill???????????

     So today President Obama announced that through executive order he is going to open up more lease areas to oil drilling. Well that is just wonderful. No high speed rail, less than adequate funding for green projects, soaring environmental risks, and yet, "drill baby drill". As a nation we need to start realizing, fast, that we are falling behind other industrial nations in our implementation of clean green energy. Wind and solar can produce electrical energy to supply to the grid. Electric cars can then use that clean energy to get you around town. I realize that major changes would need to be made to the existing grid so that we can accommodate these new sources of power. Come on man, this is the nation that built Hoover Dam, the interstate highway system, New York, Los Angeles and so on. We have the ability to take on these challenges. What we need is the political will.
     We voted for President Obama on the pretext of hope and change. Well I hope that he starts changing his current energy policy. No we can't transform the nations dependence on fossil fuels overnight. However, we need to get started now! Yes there are green projects currently operating. They make up 11.4 percent of domestically produced energy. That leaves 88.6 percent of our energy needs to be produced by fossil fuels and nuclear power. Don't get me started on the dangers of nuclear power, just say Fukushima.
     Detractors will always say, well the wind doesn't always blow and the sun doesn't always shine. Well that is why we need to invest in high capacity battery storage units. Not only will this create jobs, but, it will be a start in the fight to leave our children with a cleaner planet than we were born into.
     Jobs, one of the biggest driving forces in political and economic thinking. Green energy initiatives are a great way to start creating new jobs. While we are transitioning from fossil fuels to green energy there will still be plenty of jobs for rough-necks, rig workers, and coal miners. I don't think anybody wants to see there children killed in a mining disaster or an oil rig disaster. I personally can't find any recorded deaths due to solar panels. Obviously pay for newly created green jobs would have to be on par with there fossil fuel counterparts.
     We are at a crossroads in our energy policy. We can go down the path of fossil fuels and continue to fall behind other industrial powers. Or we can do what we as Americans have always done, put our head down, get to work and show the rest of the world why we are the best. Good Luck America

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