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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sarah Palin Running For President,"Maybe You Betcha"

    So Sarah Palin may be throwing her hat in the ring for a possible run at becoming the next President Of The United States. Please do it Mrs. Palin. I can't think of a better way to ensure the reelection of President Obama. Plus, think about how much fun the debates will be while she is standing on stage spewing her usual word salad answers to the simplest of questions. Besides, even if the nation were to have a giant collective brain fart and elect "Snowflake Snookie", she would most likely quit before she is even sworn in.
     Who honestly thinks this woman is anywhere near electable? In general about twenty- five percent of Americans have a favorable rating of her and her politics. These are the same twenty-five percent who constantly held that George W. Bush was doing a good job. The same people who think the Tea Party is on the right track. I would suspect that half of that twenty-five percent believed they were going to be raptured on May 21. Not exactly the most educated and insightful part of our electorate. Oh, and don't let me forget the gun nuts. You know they would be all over a "Princess Caribou Barbie" campaign.
     My first glaring problem with Sarah Palin is the way she talks to the morons that gather at her speaking events. She constantly tries to combine catch words with some kind of fifties "aw-shucks" kinda crap. At least when Joe Biden decides to drop an F-bomb, he drops an F-bomb. Not only is it her style of speaking, but every time she is asked a tough question she comes up with some talking point, wrapped in a blanket of nonsensical, ill-advised, dog-whistle, verbiage. The only reason she sounds somewhat competent in her commentator role on Fox News, is because she is never asked tough questions. Watch any interview she does with Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck, all they do is throw her slow-pitch softball questions.
     Her main mode of communicating to her loyal base is through tweets. Technology has done wonders for the way we communicate in our society, this a good thing. Sitting around, criticizing the President, Congress, or Democrats in general, every time something is done that might not sit real well with your nut-job base, via Twitter, is not game change politics, it's cowardly tossing supposed red meat to your base. Not only are her tweets mostly inflammatory, they are also packed full of lies. Remember Obama's death panels. Flat out lie.
     At the end of the day she has no chance of becoming the forty-fifth POTUS. Other than the base she has, not to many people are going to be swayed to cast a vote for her. She has a become a joke to the American populace in general. However if she does make a run for the Republican nomination, it will be pure comedic gold. Not to mention, if she were to become the Republican nominee Barack Obama would win the twenty-twelve election in a historic landslide. So go for it Mrs. Palin! Help us get President Obama a second term. Good Luck America!!

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