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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chase Bank Can Suck It!!

     That's right JP Morgan, you are going to lose another customer. Recently I was informed by Chase that my account will now be charged even more fees than I currently pay. Some of the fees that will now be charged include, five dollars for every money order, eight dollars for an official check, and a monthly maintenance fee if I do not have a direct deposit of five hundred dollars or more once a month. I could go on and on with the new fees but this is more about principle than bitching about fees.
     Previous to 2008 I had been banking with Washington Mutual. WAMU had been a pretty good bank as far as customer satisfaction was concerned. Unfortunately they made a bunch of bad decisions concerning sub-prime mortgages and home loans. At that point Chase bought them out. Remember that in September of 2008 the major financial institutions including JP Morgan, took more than seven hundred billion dollars of tax payer money to keep themselves from going out of business. To big to fail was the mantra of the day. According to CNN Chase received twenty five billion dollars. How ironic is it that one of the banks that came to Washington with their hands out now rips off the very people that bailed them out with no regard.
     Chase needed to be bailed out by us and that is exactly who they want to nickel and dime now. This is absolutely crazy. Imagine if you had a bad month at work, you borrow money from your brother to cover the rent. Next month you go shit on your brothers lawn and tell him he needs to pay you to do it. Crazy!
     My solution is to quit banking with any of the Wall Street banksters. I am going to open an account with a local small bank. Chase should remember that old retail adage,"if you keep your customers happy you will be lucky if they even mention it to their neighbor, if you really piss the customer off, you will be lucky if the whole neighborhood does not hear about it". Good luck America.

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